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Newsletter: December 2021

Mdm Lee’s son, Daniel*, was diagnosed with severe intellectual disability and Spastic diplegia, a rare genetic syndromic disorder that resulted in muscle stiffness. Life is far from easy for Daniel, who is confined to his wheelchair. Because of his physical disabilities, Mdm Lee and Daniel were often being stared at in public. The most challenging part is receiving awkward comments from strangers. This upsets Mdm Lee greatly as she believes that Daniel is differently-abled if he is allowed to reach his full potential.

While it is tough and exhausting to look after Daniel, her patience and perseverance had given her the strength to stay positive. She believes in ‘accepting and making time for herself’ as it helps to improve her physical and emotional well-being. She also practises these self-care tips from time to time to help recharge:

  1. Daily body stretching exercises help to clear her mind.
  2. Spend time with her family, e.g. her grandchildren who brings joy and laughter into her life every day.
  3. Maintain an open communication channel with the family. She finds it useful to share her day’s encounter with her family and discuss challenging issues and resolve them together.
  4. Reward herself with her favourite dish. It is important to eat well and enjoy quality sleep to improve her mood.
  5. Remain socially connected with friends and family as they can be a great source of support and comfort to prevent caregiver burnout.    

Lastly, she said: “Enjoy every moment you have as you cannot turn back time”.         

*To protect our client’s identity, his name has been changed.

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