Simple changes in diet, like cutting back on snacks with sugar, could bring out the sweeter side in your child with attention deficit disorder (ADHD).

With festive seasons of indulging in sweet treats coming back to back, chances are your child will find it irresistible in popping that candy or sweet drinks in his mouth.
And you’ve might had the following chat with the doctor of your child with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) — probably just before the holidays…
“Every time Johnny has lots of sugar in his diet, his symptoms of ADHD worsen, and he becomes irritable and hyper. I dread this season because Johnny turns it into unhappy days for everyone.”
Your doctor leans back in his leather chair and says, “What your child eats has nothing to do with his behaviour! There is no research that supports this idea.”
Think again. While some studies have found no correlation between sugar and increased hyperactivity in ADHD children, other studies on nutrition suggest that some ADHD kids are “turned on” by copious amounts of sweet stuff.
A study conducted by the University of South Carolina concluded that the more sugar hyperactive children consumed, the more destructive and restless they became. A study conducted at Yale University indicates that high-sugar diets may increase inattention in some ADHD kids.
So where does this leave you, in between birthday cupcakes, holiday treats, and summer ice cream? Don’t panic. The first thing to do is to determine whether sugar affects your child the way it affected children in the studies. Start by removing as much sugar, corn syrup, and other natural sweeteners as you can from his diet for 10 days — a difficult but doable task!
On the eleventh day, give him a sugar test, stirring a tablespoon of sugar into 100 percent pure fruit juice. Does he kick it up a gear or three in terms of hyperactivity? Does he have less ability to focus? If yes, you have your answer.
It’s time to go on sugar alert. But how can you possibly cut back on sweets during the holidays? Here are some strategies:
Set a good example at parties by giving out sugar-free mints. If candy is a must, then look for white peppermints sweetened with sorbitol.
Manage the candy your child consumes at Lunar New Year house visitations. You can make a deal beforehand about exactly how much candy he can consume at each visitation.
Substitute nuts, a platter of fresh veggies, or colourful fruits with tasty dips for the chocolates and sweets served at gatherings.
Serve chilled punch, made with 100 percent fruit juice, in holiday cups. Avoid fruit “drinks” or “cocktails,” both of which are higher in sugar. When serving juice, accompany it with sides of wholegrain biscuits or crackers. The fibre in the whole grain will help maintain steady blood sugar levels.
Sounds like a lot of work, and it is. But if your child is less hyperactive and inattentive, everyone benefits!
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