Newsletter: Vol. 25 Issue 1 (January – February 2021)
Metta School re-opened on 4 January that saw approximately 63 students joining the school for a meaningful learning journey towards holistic education. Given the safe distancing guidelines, the teachers were able to execute the orientation programme while ensuring that their students stayed safe and yet enjoyed the activities curated for them.

Students were grouped into classes according to their learning needs as they engaged in ice-breaking games facilitated by their teachers. The games tested the students’ agility, strength and balance, resilience and openness to challenges, apart from forming friendships with their classmates.
Some of the games that assessed the students’ thought process included the Pasta Tower Challenge. Students must work in teams to build the tallest tower possible whilst at the same time, being sturdy enough to support a weighted object, a marshmallow. Using sticks of pasta, the students set about delegating specific duties to one another for team effort as they put their minds together on achieving their goals.
During the 3-day orientation programme, students were also brought around to view the School’s compounds as well as to be inculcated on the school’s values and mission by Metta School principal, Mdm So Kah Lay.
A team collaboration at the school sports hall also warmed up the activities for the students as they raced one another in teams, hopping around in gunny sacks and cheering one another on to complete the race in the fastest time possible. It was truly a fun and engaging experience for our students. It is believed that the skills and education that they receive at Metta School today will set the stage for them to be the leaders of tomorrow.
Image Teamwork hands photo created by –