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Newsletter: November 2011

Ingredients: Celery, lily bulbs, cashew nuts, wolfberries


  1. Wash and peel the celery, cut into diamond shapes, set aside.
  2. Wash and peel the lily bulbs apart, set aside.
  3. Stir fry cashew nuts with some oil in a hot wok, set aside.
  4. Boil some water in a pot, and then toss in the celery and wolfberries until cooked, then proceed to scoop them out of the water.
  5. Next, heat a wok with minimal amount of oil, pour in the celery, lily bulbs, wolfberries, some salt, mushroom flavour enhancer and a small amount of water. Sauté the lot a few times, add some cornstarch to thicken the sauce, and then mix well before serving.

原料: 西芹、百合、腰果、枸杞


  • 西芹洗淨削皮,切成菱形塊;
  • 百合掰開洗淨; 腰果用油炸
  • 熟備用。
  • 起鍋燒水,水滾後加入西芹、枸杞,燒燙即可撈出備用;
  • 另起鍋熱油少許,倒入西芹、百合、枸杞,加鹽、蘑菇精、
  • 少許水,翻炒幾下,用少許水澱粉勾芡,淋如幾滴香油即可。

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